Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The First of Many

Hello Cyber Universe. My name is Mackenzie, but you may call me Supreme Overlord or Master. And by "may" I mean you are socially and legally obligated to refer to me as such. And by "obligated" I mean just do it.
You, oh phantom reader, have probably gathered two bits of information from my blog title:
1. I am not blond.
2. I like to ramble on excessively. If you have deduced any more than this, good job, Sherlock. You have a very prominent career in detective work to look forward to.
Now you are most likely wondering what possessed me to write a blog in the first place. I have 3 reasons for this:
1. One of the goals I have for my life is to become a writer, and I believe having a blog is a great way to stretch and strengthen my creativity and written expression muscles. (These muscles are located right next to the funny bone for those of you who don't know.)
2. I need an outlet for my weirdness so that I don't frighten off any potential friend candidates.
3. A few of my friends have/are making blogs (you know who you are) and I am a major follower. I'm like a baby duck. It's just in my nature. I'm just glad no one I look up to has jumped off that bridge people keep telling me about.
Okay, almost done for right now.
This blog will contain a lot of randomness, and bizarre references. Mainly, anything that strikes my fancy at any particular moment. You have been forewarned....


  1. Awesome-sauce. I shall be stalking you...in the good way XD.

  2. I love you, Mackentosh :)
    keep on blogging!!!

