Saturday, December 3, 2011


Wednesday I received the best Christmas present ever. My dad took me to two of my very best friend's house in Minnesota to spend the night!!!

I hadn't seen them in May at their sister's graduation party and I was excessively excited to see them again! When I got to there house we had the best sleep over in the history of sleepovers. We made mouse cupcakes, explored their hometown, played cards, went to Teen Talk (their youth group) and just joked around.

This trip reminded me of all the fun times we had before they moved away and of the many reasons that they are my best friends. One reason is that I can be myself around them. I don't have to be afraid to be my wild, crazy, goofy, bizarre, socially awkward self without any repercussions. They just get me. Even when I say something so out there that most people would flee the room, they just laugh and move on like it was the most normal thing in the world.

I love my friends. Not just because of how they make me feel, but because of who they are. Inside and out.

1 comment:

  1. are amazing and beautiful, Kinzie. Keep us posted on your new adventure! I love you!
